Backyard gazebo

Backyard gazebo
Enjoying a cup at home

Monday, August 29, 2011


Living in PE for the past year has afforded me the time to pursue interests that I have put off for a long time and for a variety of reasons.  Along with traveling, gymming, and bagpiping, I'm also taking photography courses and language lessons, putting a major dent in the stack of books I've been meaning to read, and brushing up on some piano pieces that have fallen by the wayside over the years.  I'm certainly not looking for things to occupy my time, but when this week's Crawl took us to a new coffee shop adjacent to The Scrapbook Nook, I got the itch to start scrapbooking again.  My daughter, Liz, and I have worked on a couple of family vacation  scrapbooks and, in the course of doing so, have accumulated two huge boxes full of scrapbooking tools and materials.  I left them in NY.  So, this week's Coffee Crawl started off with a quick look through the scrapbook shop to make a list of things I need get started on my "African Adventures" scrapbook!

Meet the Owners
Philippa and Cassandra Dyson

Now, as I said, The Scrapbook Nook is adjacent to this week's Coffee Crawl site, a new shop called EAT that officially opened on Monday, Aug 22.  It just so happens that the owners of the shops are mother and daughter, Philippa and Cassandra Dyson.  Cassandra's new coffee shop venture came about as a result of her providing "eats" at scrapbooking events held at her mother's shop.  And, as one thing leads to another... Cassandra is now the proud owner of EAT, located at 152 Main Rd. in Walmer.  The shop is open Monday-Friday, 9-4, and Saturdays, 9-1 for freshly made salads, sandwiches and baked goods to take-away.  Patrons are also welcome to eat in and enjoy a LavAzza coffee at one of the tables or in the lounge area of this cheerily decorated shop.  Whether you eat in or take out, EAT has two chefs on staff along with Cassandra as the barista to quickly serve you.  There is a spacious parking lot in front that can accommodate customers for the scrapbook shop and for EAT.

Thursday's Crawlers, Gail Darne, Les Baldwin, Nomusa Nkomo, Beth Vieira, Fran and Keith de Beer, Stella and Beryl Dawson, Margaret Zoetmulder, and June Nash, were dertermined to follow the No Food On The Crawl Rule this week despite the shop's name nad the Luciano Pavarotti quote on the chalkboard.  We were successful, though the temptation was intense with all the delicious looking pastries on display.  So, we all ordered our usual coffees (and Nomusa, her tea) sans goodies and everyone got busy checking out Beth's family scrapbook that she brought along.  Nice work on the book, Beth.  I'm sure your family treasures it!  After Beth's book made the rounds, I brought out my Kindle that I've been promising to bring with me.  It kind of felt like Show-and-Tell Day at the Crawl!

This Week's Crawlers
Les, Margaret, Nomusa, Keith, Fran, June, Beth, Stella, Beryl, Gail

Once our coffees were served (and Beth and I put away our props) the Crawlers made mention of the earthquake that shook the eastern coast of the U.S. last week, and Hurricane Irene that was heading toward the U.S.  Guess it was a crazy week in NY!!!  We then talked a bit about the northern/southern hemisphere opposite seasons thing and how beautiful the northeastern U.S. is in the fall.  Autumn is my favorite season in the U.S., not just because of the changing leaves but because it's the start of the football season... American football, that is.  For those of you who know what an avid football fan I am, no worries, we get the Sunday and Monday night games televised here, though in the middle of the night.  Lou and I record the games them watch them poolsode later in the week.  So, the talk of autumn led to football which led to rugby (of course, it's SA) and finally ended up with cricket, the one sport that I totally don't get!  All this talk of sports wouldn't be complete without some trash talking about celeb singers who screw up their own national anthems at major sporting events.  Such a travesty recently occurred here in SA at the New Zealand All Blacks vs. the SA Springboks rugby match.  I can understand how such an error can be made here since the SA national anthem is actually a combination of two songs, "Nkosi Sikelel' iAfrika" sung in Xhosa followed by "Die Stem van Suid-Afrika" sung partly in Afrikaans and partly in English.  Now there's some hard-core pressure to get that right!!!

A brief discussion of the Crawlers' favorite music ensued with The Beatles and Broadway musicals topping the list.  Keith abstained from voting because he doesn't like music... except the SA national anthem... maybe he'll be asked to sing it at the next big game!  So Keith's only input at the end of the Crawl was his useless fact of the week... giraffes have the highest blood pressure of all mammals... totally irrelevant but that's the whole point, right?

A final thought ~  What my friend, Nancy in Corning, NY, says about scrapbooking: "If it's not in the scrapbook, it didn't happen."  Well, I better get down to The Scrapbook Nook, pick up some supplies for my "African Adventures" scrapbook.... and grab a cappuccino at EAT while I'm there!

Thank you to Philippa and Cassandra for combining your efforts and sharing your passions with the residents of PE.  Good luck with your new shop, Cassandra!

Until next week,



  1. I pass there every day and noticed the new place. Have been meaning to stop and have a look.

  2. How fun! I'm headed back to NY this week. Do you want me to mail you any supplies from your house???? My guess is you can prob. fill 2 scrapbooks by now!!!!

  3. I love it! And Cas is so creative, super happy that it's such a success!!! Going to have to make a stop! Ellen, you are fantastic for doing this! I lived in the USA for 3 years and coffee shops were such a norm, here its so hard to find a great coffee shop to gather with friends and enjoy!
