Backyard gazebo

Backyard gazebo
Enjoying a cup at home

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Since Lou and I moved here in July, 2010 I've been asked by many people in the States to start a blog of some sort during our stay here in Port Elizabeth, SA...  Blog, me?  First of all, my computer skills are lacking and, secondly, what would I have to blog about?

Well, on our first two visits here in March and April, 2010 when Lou and I were being shown around the area by local residents we seemed to stop for coffee numerous times during the day.  I figured Lou and I must have looked mighty thirsty or in desperate need of a "pick-me-up."  Now that we are living here I have found that coffee shops abound in Port Elizabeth.  Everywhere I go, every turn I make (driving on the left...aaahhh...that's a whole different blog!), there seems to be a coffee shop luring me in for a cappuccino.  Whenever I ask someone how to get to a certain shopping center, butcher, fish market, florist, ... you guessed it...the directions are always given with a coffee shop as a point of reference.

So, now I have a starting place to introduce you to Port Elizabeth, SA (the locals call it PE and that is how I will refer to the city after this). 

Now, I usually take my coffee black with no sugar, however, I will probably order a cappuccino at the places I visit just because of the cool designs in the foam.  I'm planning to visit only one new shop a week so as not to risk gaining back the ten kilos I have lost since we've been here (that's 22 lbs for those of you who are as metrically challenged as I am).

And so the crawl begins.....



  1. This is a great idea for those of us who may visit Port Elizabeth someday!

  2. Ellen - this is such a great picture!!
    You really are beautiful & I just love how happy you are.
    I am so glad that you are my friend.
    ~ Kari
